Monday 16 December 2013

How to delet Facebook Account Permanently?

These day, many Facebook user get faded with Facebook account. Either they are cheated by fake friends or someone is miss using their information and they are various facing problem. In shot, many people get bored and facing problem so they they want to delete their account but there is problem with Facebook user how to delete Facebook account because there is no delete option in account setting. 

This is biggest problem among Facebook user to delete account because there is only deactivate option in account setting. You can only deactivate your account but you can't delete it permanently. Before deleting your Facebook Account Permanently, you should know what is difference between deactivating and delete.

The term deactivate and delete itself describe its meaning but I don't want you put you in confusion and describe clearly what is difference between deleting and deactivating Facebook account. 

Deactivating:- Deactivate means stay away from your account or hide your account from other. No body will see you account including you but all your data, photographs and updates activities will be there and whenever you want to reactivate it, it will reappear. 

Delete:- But when you delete your account, your are removing your account forever and all yours data, photograph, updates, comments etc will erase forever. And it will never be recovered.

So you understand the difference between delete and deactivate. But deleting Facebook account permanently is not an easy task because there is no option in account setting for delete account permanently and this is problem which put user in trouble but don't worry I am here to help you. 

To delete your account permanently visit Facebook help. There is delete option but it is difficult to connect or replace to your profile link. So for your comfort, I suggest you to click on the following link which will redirect you to delete facebook account page. Click on following link.

following massage will appear, there would be two option Delete my account and Cancel. Select . whatever you want.



Delete my account

If you do not think you will use Facebook again and would like your account deleted, we can take care of this for you. Keep in mind that you will not be able to reactivate your account or retrieve any of the content or information you have added. If you would still like your account deleted, click "Delete My Account".

Saturday 14 December 2013

How to write billions pageview post ? - Part I

How to write a billion pageviewers post is burning desire of every blogger. Many bloggers claim so and in support; they present analytic report (suspicious) to impress readers. But what is reality? Is it really so easy to get millions or billions pageview per day or per month. Simply answer is no, nobody can get billions pageview in a night as you cannot get bachelor degree without studding in college for three years or a woman cannot become mother in a day; she has to wait for 9 months after conceive. In short, success comes after lots of test.

Often, big celebrities’ post gets billions pageview per day because he/she already has millions of fan followers; for instant, film stars, politician and sportsman, but it is not result of one day’s work, as you know “Rome was not built in a day”. All great people become great and famous after a great job in particular field after lots of years’ hard labor and countless ups and downs. In short, success comes after hard work, persistence plus lots of ups and down (ups and down teaches us lots of thing). 

Just think from another angle. Suppose you are student of bachelor class and wanted to get distinction; what will you do? Off course you will do hard labor continuously and accumulate more knowledge so that you can answer all question properly and get at least 75% mark which is least mark of getting distinction. If you are getting 74.98% marks then you are missing it. By this example it is clear that to get certain degree of success in any undertaking there is need of certain level of hard work, skill, persistence and knowledge plus time. So to get billions pageview per months you have to attain that mark.

Until or unless you get that mark you cannot get that kind of success. If cost of an apple is 20 cent, you cannot get it without paying 20 cent to fruit seller. So there is no alternate or short cut of (great) success. The success that comes after a small effort cannot last long as a mushroom plant does not live long. Always remember, you can cheat someone once but not again and again. It is not possible to make fool anyone again and again and neither it is fair. So don’t get involve in such transaction.  

If someone is telling so then he is just making you fool for his self and just increase his own pageviews. You can think same thing about me. If such question arises in your mind, then consider on the point which I mentioned in this post and honestly ask yourself, is it wrong? Will a fruit seller give you an apple worth 20 cent in 10 cent? Try it and wait for result; if not get desired result, forget me and my blog. Never come again because it is not useful for you. But I would like draw your attention towards one thing which I mentioned above and repeat it again.

Do you ever see a mushroom plant?  How it grows and how long it stays live? Okay, I don’t know whether you knew about it or not so I like to explain about it because I have seen it very closely; it sprouts  in the morning and grown up in a day but next morning it started to fade and after few hours it gets dead. Just reverse of it a banyan tree grows very slowly and takes years to grown up but it stays live for a long time. Do you heard about Lord Buddha, founder of Buddha religion. He got enlightenment under a banyan tree about 2 and half thousand years ago. That tree is known as Buddha tree and it is still live today; you can see this tree with your eyes, if desire, this tree is located at Bodh Gaya, Bihar, India.

So don’t rely on such claim, if you want to grow your business or passion for long time, be patient. Don’t do hurry and follow these advice. “Honesty is best policy” and truth always wins. So neither misguide other or nor get misguided by anyone. Success mantra in any undertaking is always results of wisdom, hard work, great knowledge and skill. This truth is applicable in all filed either you wanted to be a great blogger, film stars, sportsman, politician or something else.

Don’t compromise with quality:-Never compromise with quality even if you desire to do so. There is no substitute of quality. Always be ready for doing hard and intelligent work and always eager to accumulating more knowledge, nobody can prevent you from getting success. Instead of thinking about success it is better to concentrating over quality because quality always gets respect and reward. Don’t thing about billions pageview and focus your attention on quality.

You have heard about big companies, aren’t you? Can you tell me why these companies are big and what makes it bigger? What is your answer? Say loudly, I could not listen. What you said, quality? Yes, it is quality, you are absolutely right. These companies are big and trustworthy because they present quality product and earns customer’s trust; for instant, Apple is known for high quality product whether you talk about, iphone, ipad, ipoid or other products.

So you understand this fact that it is quality of any product which generate trust among user, so if you are serving high quality content to your visitor and they find it useful they start to trust you and resultantly they’ll visit your site again and again and recommend other to visit your site which will multiply your readers number. 

Judge your content’s quality as being readers:- Do you ever think, what is reaction of your readers after reading your post? Are they read whole post or run away in midway or just reading firs line? Are you post has enough pull to hold you visitor and able to retain as readers? How will you check quality of your post? Do you have any formula or plan? No, don’t worry. I am giving you some pieces of advice, Okay. To check quality of your blog, be readers of your own post. After writing post, read your post as a reader and ask yourself. Is it satisfies your quarry? Did you get whatever you were looking? If not, search what is lacking and rewrite post. Also check your post and ask yourself, is content matching with heading which bring your visitor from search engine or other platform. And finally check do you bring all information which your visitor is looking for? 

Result-less Work: -Always do result-less work, it will make you tension free and your work will get perfection therefore it will generate a magnetic force which will attract people. So don’t think about traffic, if your job is nicely done, you will surely get reward, it is law of nature. And as you know we cannot change nature’s law. So believe in yourself, trust your skill; soon your post will get millions to billions pageview per month.   
